Disney Moves Frankenweenie Feature to October, 2012

And the release date shuffle keeps on keeping on as Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie in 3D, an expansion of his original 1984 short, has been shifted from the originally announced March 9, 2012, to the more appropriate October 5th, 2012. After all, everything horror-related must come out in October, right?
Per Deadline New York Walt Disney Studios announced the move today for the film, in which a re-animated pooch returns to his master and all kinds of hijinks ensue. Frankenweenie stars Winona Ryder as the voice of Elsa and Martin Landau as the voice of Mr. Rzykruski. In addition, Martin Short and Catherine O’Hara take on the voices of multiple characters: For Short it’s Bob, Nassor, Toshiaki, Victor’s Dad, and Mr. Bergermeister while O’Hara tackles Edgar, Weird Girl, Victor’s Mom, and Gym Teacher.
Along with pushing back Frankenweenie, the studio is moving up John Carter of Mars (based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ fantasy series and also in 3D of course) to the March 9th date vacated by Frankenweenie, where it’ll go head-to-head against Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Should be an interesting weekend!
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