PAX East 2017: Friday the 13th: The Game Gets a Killer New Trailer; See the Savini-Designed Jason!

The PAX East gaming convention is happening this weekend in Boston, and it’s brought us a new trailer for Friday the 13th: The Game along with a detailed look at the Tom Savini-designed Jason Voorhees!
First up is the “Killer” trailer featuring Crazy Lixx. Check out new locations, new counselors, and of course several never-before-seen kills!
Below you’ll see the promised first look at the Tom Savini-designed Jason Voorhees skin. It was designed as an interpretation by Tom of what would have happened to Jason after Part 9… Jason has escaped Hell!
The only way to get this pre-order-only item is by visiting
Jason is unleashed! Take part in the ultimate asymmetrical multiplayer horror game experience! 1 vs. 7 gameplay featuring Jason Voorhees against a group of teen counselors attempting to survive the night.
For more information, check out Gun Media’s Friday the 13th: The Game on Kickstarter.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News