The Devil Will Get His Due in Theatres with – Satan

The Exorcist. Rosemary’s Baby. The Omen. The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The Last Exorcism. Next Friday’s The Rite. For decades the devil’s exploits have translated into big box office dollars so it makes sense that someone would want to make a documentary covering all things Big Red!
According to The Hollywood Reporter Canadian filmmakers Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn are set to shoot Satan, a feature length documentary about the Prince of Darkness for Alliance Films.
Fresh from a Grammy nomination for their latest theatrical documentary Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, McFadyen and Dunn are also returning to their roots in chronicling the hard rock/heavy metal music genre with the TV series “Metal Evolution: The Series” for VH1 and CTV. At the same time, with heavy metal music long linked to Satanism, the Canadian duo will also stay in the theatrical world with a close-up of Beelzebub from Banger Films, their production shingle. With more than a quarter of Americans believing the Devil is real, the Canadian documentary aims to explore the historical origins and transformation of Satan as a symbol of evil and his significance in contemporary art and popular culture.
Look for more on this one soon!

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