Exclusive: Cary Elwes Talks Saw 3D

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven years since the horror genre was turned on its head by the juggernaut that is the Saw franchise, and it was in that first installment where we met one of the first Jigsaw victims: Dr. Lawrence Gordon, played by Cary Elwes.
Through the last few sequels Saw fans have waited to find out whatever happened to Dr. Gordon, and with Saw 3D they get exactly what they wanted and more. According to Elwes, he has the fans mostly to thank for bringing him back for one more trip into Jigsaw’s crazy world.
“The fans campaigned heavily for my return so I will always be very grateful for them being the ones behind the return of Dr. Gordon,” explained Elwes. “The thing most people may not know is that I was first approached about the idea of bringing my character back around Part Four or Five. But I told the filmmakers involved at that time that if I came back, I wanted it to be for the final Saw movie, almost like my character acts as a bookend to the series.”

For fans who haven’t seen Saw 3D and aren’t aware of how Dr. Gordon makes his triumphant return, we won’t spoil it for you, except to say that he’s definitely not chained up and hanging out with some random dude in a sleazy bathroom again. Elwes himself is keen to keeping his return and his character’s motivations this time around on the sly as much as possible.
“Without giving away too many spoilers, what I will say is that I think the filmmaker and writers did a great job and came up with a creative and very clever way to bring Dr. Gordon back for Saw 3D. They’ve been clever films all along, with a lot of talented people creating interesting ways to keep the story going,” Elwes said.
Elwes went on to discuss why he thinks the Saw franchise has connected with moviegoers for the better part of a decade now. “Part of the appeal of the Saw films is that they’re several movies that are part of a bigger story, but they’re also great stand-alone films that are enjoyable for casual fans. But for those who have been following along the entire series, there’s a great story tying together throughout all of them that has a great payoff for this last movie.”
With Saw 3D being the last hurrah for Jigsaw and his merry band of followers, Lionsgate felt that it was time to give fans something they hadn’t seen before: gruesome and bloody deaths in eye-popping three dimensional glory. Elwes himself was a big fan of the idea of shooting the Saw finale in 3D as well.
“I really think 3D filmmaking lends itself well to the Saw franchise, and this film in particular, especially since our special effects were amazing this time around,” said Elwes. “I was pretty prepared for challenges of making a 3D film from my experiences doing motion capture work for A Christmas Carol so I was familiar with how it would work on set. It’s too bad that they hadn’t mastered 3D earlier; a lot of the other Saw films would’ve looked great in 3D.”
And even though at the end of Saw 3D it may not seem like the story was officially over, Elwes is quick to shoot down any hopes for another Saw sequel or more of Dr. Gordon on the big screen. “The title says The Final Chapter so I think that’s a pretty definitive answer as to whether or not there’d be another Saw movie.”
Guess someone’s not familiar with Mr. Voorhees’ work.
Look for Saw 3D (Blu-ray review here) on DVD and Blu-Ray shelves on January 25th. For those Elwes fans out there, look for the actor in another upcoming genre title, Psych: 9, which comes out on February 22nd courtesy of Ghost House Underground.

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