The Conjuring 2 Spinoff The Nun Officially Kicks Off Production

After the smash success of James Wan’s The Conjuring 2, was it really any surprise that there would be more horror coming from that storyline? Well, most people expected that a third Conjuring movie would be announced but it turns out that the villain of the second film, the evil nun Valek, was to be the focus of a new film.
Announced last summer, The Nun is being directed by Corin Hardy, who tweeted the below photograph to announce that production on the film has officially begun. The film will be based on a script by Gary Dauberman and James Wan with Wan and Peter Safran producing. The expected release date is July 13th, 2018.
No official synopsis has been released and frankly I wouldn’t hold my breath for one to come any time soon. It’ll be a while before serious marketing campaigns begin.
And so it begins…
— CORIN HARDY (@corinhardy) March 20, 2017