Terminator – He Won’t Be Back After All

Remember the days when the Terminator franchise was actually good and delivered what you wanted? Well, apparently Hollywood doesn’t as they’ve made some pretty bad choices for the last several entries. As a result the films have been sucking, and you know what that means… hasta la vista, baby!
Per the New York Daily News, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator franchise has been terminated after 32 years, according to an inside source, who reports that Paramount execs have decided not to pick up their option to bring Arnie and “Game of Thrones” beauty Emilia Clarke back for additional movies in the series. Originally it was hoped that the next installment would happen this year.
“It is over for The Terminator and Arnold,” said the site’s Los Angeles-based source. “The studio has taken the sequel off the production slate completely, meaning there is no pre-production or any plans for another sequel. The talent had been offered long-term deals, but this is not happening. The Genisys movie was seen as a way of reviving [the franchise], but the critics were not happy and somehow the studio bosses fell out of love with making more, even though they made huge profits.”
Terminator Genisys, despite a chilly reception, raked in almost $300 million in profits. No matter how you slice it, though, Schwarzenegger is going on 70 years old so his days of playing the titular character without CG augmentation are quickly sailing off into the sunset.