Heavy Metal #285 Variant Cover Banned in Stores for… Rabbit Nipples?

The sci-fi/fantasy comic magazine Heavy Metal is no stranger to having erotic, sensual, and sometimes downright dirty covers. If you’ve seen the 1981 animated film, then you know that the magazine can offer stories that mix sex and horror as easily as we mix cereal and milk. However, it seems that their latest attempt at creating something sensual, yet off-putting hit a bit too hard in the latter category for some people.
James Jean’s variant cover for Issue #285, which you can see uncensored below, has been banned by retailers and newsstands. While the official reason hasn’t been given, it might be due to the fact that rabbit/human hybrids are engaging in an orgy and there are bare rabbit nipples present in the painting.
Heavy Metal‘s Jeff Krelitz told Bleeding Cool, “We did not expect it to be rejected as, beyond the fact that the subjects are not human, it is a painting not a photograph. And in the magazine’s 40-year history, [it’s] certainly not the first time an artist’s rendering of bare breasts has been on the cover of the magazine.”
If you want to get your hands on this edition of the magazine, you can still order it through the Heavy Metal website.
What do you think of the cover? Too much, or are some people being overly sensitive? Let me know in the comments!