Cool Pics from Dread Central’s Prevenge Premiere in NYC!

Dread Central hosted the NYC premiere of writer/director/star Alice Lowe’s critically-acclaimed horror comedy Prevenge on Monday night to a packed house. Lowe and co-star Jo (Inbred) Hartley joined DreadVision host Tony Timpone for the IFC Center screening and took part in an entertaining Q&A after the film.
Lowe revealed many fun facts about the making of Prevenge, like the news she did the voice of her unborn baby and took inspiration from the film version of American Psycho while writing her directorial debut. Many Dread fans showed up to pack the house, including several pregnant ones!
A hit at film festivals around the world, Prevenge stars Lowe (from Sightseers) as a seven-months-pregnant woman who goes on a murder spree. You can read Dread Central’s Prevenge review here, and for more visit the official Prevenge Facebook page.
This exclusive event was presented by premium streaming service Shudder, who releases Prevenge in theaters in NYC (at the IFC Center, of course) and LA’s Cinefamily this coming Friday, March 24, as well as streaming nationwide.
Stay tuned for more DreadVision events, including Dig Two Graves this Friday.
Event photos courtesy of Sean DiSerio.
Prevenge co-stars Gemma Whelan, Kate (The Witch) Dickie, and Jo Hartley and has screened at some of the most prestigious film festivals around the world, including the 2016 Venice International Film Festival, 2016 Toronto International Film Festival, and this year’s South by Southwest.
Prevenge stars Lowe as Ruth, a pregnant woman driven to a murderous rampage by her unborn child who orders her to kill, kill, KILL! Darker than a womb on a moonless night, Prevenge is Juno meets the Son of Sam, wherein Ruth’s barking bun in the oven prods and pokes at her to send her on a murder bender. You’ll never look at an ultrasound the same way again!