Clive Barker Reveals Covers and Samples from Upcoming Graphic Novel Hellraiser: Anthology

Horror legend Clive Barker has just revealed the cover and sample pages from the upcoming new original graphic novel Hellraiser: Anthology, a series he claims required venturing “…where even darkness fears to dwell.”
The collection will feature art from Daniele Serra, Riley Schmitz, Sam Shearon, and more. Writers include Ben Meares, Matt Murray, Christian Francis, David Ian McKendry, Rebekah McKendry, and Barker himself. You can see all the samples below.
Mark Miller, Vice President of Clive Barker’s Seraphim, Inc., and a contributing writer, adds, “I’ve been a part of a number of Hellraiser projects throughout my years with Clive. And this is easily the most personal project I’ve seen pass through these walls. It’s as lovingly curated as it is delightfully grotesque. I’m proud to have my [work] in its pages.”
“We had a very simple mission statement at the beginning of our journey with this comic. We set out to create something with no limits and no censorship that everyone involved, as both creatives and fans of the Hellraiser mythos, would be proud of,” adds Ben Meares, Editor-in-Chief of Seraphim Comics.
Hellraiser: Anthology will be priced at $35, with copies signed by Clive Barker priced at $65, and the digital download version will be priced at $15. The 90-page hardcover collection, which features 11 original Hellraiser tales, will make its debut at Monsterpalooza in Pasadena, CA, from April 7th-9th and will be available in hardcover and digital options via Barker’s webstore on April 14th.