Rotten Cotton Launches Blog

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been in love with Rotten Cotton t-shirts. They’ve been around, hell, longer than we have, but it isn’t just their badass movie shirt designs that kept our attention. It’s their other stuff, too. Where else can you get merchandise with memorable slogans like “Dead Girls Never Say No!” emblazoned upon them?
True, their humor is an acquired taste, but it’s always in good fun meant mainly to make the more conservative straight-laced horror hatin’ folks grimace or frown with disapproval. One thing’s for certain … they’re some of the single most opinionated lunatics around, and we love them for it.
The boys in black just launched a new blog featuring content from the Rotten Cotton staff as well as up-and-coming pop culture horror bloggers. On it you can expect the same quality of depraved filth and insanity that made us dig them so much in the first place.
Click on the image below, and let the games begin!

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