Exclusive Event Coverage: Hatchet II Signing and Release at Dark Delicacies

Exclusive to Dread, here’s a handful of photos from last night’s DVD and Blu-ray release signing for director Adam Green’s Hatchet II, which took place at LA’s house of the macabre, Dark Delicacies (3512 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA).
During the well attended event, the film’s cast and crew (which included Green, Kane Hodder, Parry Shen, AJ Bowen, Tom Holland, R.A. Mihailoff, Dave Foy, Rick McCallum, Ed Ackerman, Kathryn Fiore, Erika Hamilton, Rileah Vanderbilt, Laura Ortiz, Will Barratt, Robert Pendergraft, Joe Lynch, Dave Parker, Mike Mendez and Sarah Elbert – sadly star Danielle Harris wasn’t in attendance during this writer’s visit) gathered to speak with fans and lend their autographs to the title as well as posters and fans’ personal ephemera.
Visit Dark Delicacies online for more information on this signing and others, including their upcoming – and second annual – Women in Horror Month Celebration, which takes place on February 12th.
For more on Hatchet II (review here), click here for the Hatchet II website, and of course follow @Adam_Fn_Green on Twitter!
Hatchet II – Blu-ray and DVD Trailer
Uploaded by dreadcentral. – Classic TV and last night's shows, online.
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