Tim Curry Describes Finding the Right Look for Pennywise

Steve Newton, who wrote for Fangoria back in the day, has found and uploaded a recently unreleased audio interview he conducted with Tim Curry on the set of the It mini-series.
In the interview, Curry describes the challenges of finding the right look for Pennywise. He explains that if someone goes to clown school, that it’s very often they won’t get to put on any makeup for at least two years. He brings this up because he explains that finding your own clown face is part of the exercise and training that goes into becoming such a character. He then laughs and explains that they had a day to go through such an endeavor.
Hearing Curry describe the process is pretty incredible because you can hear the quiet yet captivating timbre to his voice. There’s something immediate about his voice, so much so that when he speaks there is this need to quiet oneself so as to hear every syllable and inflection.
There’s more to the clip, which you’ll honestly need headphones for as the audio was originally captured on a cassette recorder and then digitized, over at Newton’s website.
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