Someone Mashed Up John Carpenter’s The Thing and The Empire Strikes Back

John Carpenter’s The Thing is perhaps one of the most enduring horror classics of my generation. Sure, I can’t deny the cultural impact of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, or Halloween; but in the minds of horror fans, The Thing is elevated beyond those titles for a multitude of reasons. It’s not only a fantastic horror film; it’s a fantastic film, plain and simple.
Now, when it comes to sci-fi fans, there is a consensus that in the Star Wars universe, at least for a long, long time, The Empire Strikes Back was the best of the original trilogy and still ranks as one of the best in the entire series. It took the characters we got to know in the original and expanded upon their journeys, sending them each to distant reaches in the galaxy on their own missions. It’s a wonderfully crafted film, and it ended on a note of fear. Can our intrepid band of misfits actually find a way to defeat the Empire? Apparently not because we’re in the midst of a new trilogy, but that’s neither here nor there.
As both of these films are considered to be pinnacles of their respective genres, plus the fact that they both have great snowy sequences, YouTuber TonyBehindTheCamera took it upon himself to try an experiment where he would mash footage from Empire with audio from The Thing‘s trailer.
The end result isn’t actually half bad! While there are some lip sync issues here and there, the footage blends rather well together. It’s a fun test that I’d say ended up working out.