Pathology Set Preview

The twisted minds behind last year’s Crank have set their sites on medical horror and if that doesn’t excite you, you’re as dead as the stiffs in Pathology – a blood-drenched psychological creepfest due out from MGM at year’s end. Directed by award-winning German filmmaker Marc Schoelermann, this macabre tale revolves around a group of disturbed med students who compete to see which one can create the perfect murder.
Dread Central was invited to witness the on-set madness and only one word can adequetely describe the experience: sticky. Entrails, narcotics and sharp instruments decorate an impressive morgue set. Fog machines work overtime. Actors lighten the mood by tossing around a severed head.
Speaking with the cast and crew – all of whom spent time in real morgues – there seems to be a general consensus: “Everything you see is real. Instead of going the Hostel way, this is all grounded in reality,” says Schoelermann.
With dreary visuals reminiscent of Se7en and a cast of talented young actors (led by exploding “Heroes” star Milo Ventimiglia), this is one release that looks mean, brutal, and darkly funny. Pathology hits theaters around Thanksgiving (good family fun for all!) and we’ll have every gory detail from our set visit closer to the release.
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