Printed in Blood Celebrating The Thing’s 35th Anniversary With a Gorgeous Artbook of Original Pieces

Printed in Blood will be celebrating the 35th anniversary of John Carpenter’s brilliant sci-fi/horror masterpiece The Thing by releasing a 400-page hardcover artbook that includes over 375 original pieces of art that pay homage to the film. The expected shipping date is early July, after it debuts at the San Diego Comic Con. The book will feature art from folks such as John J. Hill, Tony Harris, Kelley Jones, Kyle Lambert, Daniel Nash, Bill Sienkiewicz, and a VAST amount more.
To give fans a taste of what’s to come, Printed in Blood has joined with Burbank’s Creature Features for a gallery that showcases much of the art featured in the book. Running April 8th through the 16th. The opening night will be tomorrow and run from 6pm-9pm while the rest of the days will run during normal gallery hours. The show features hundreds of pieces of themed artwork, originals, prints and one-off giclees, which will be available for purchase. For more information about the gallery, head on over to Creature Features or check out the Facebook event page.
If you want to pre-order a copy of The Thing: Artbook, you can do so on Printed in Blood’s Official Website.
Celebrating the 35th anniversary of John Carpenter’s sci-fi/horror classic film The Thing, this 400-page first edition of Printed In Blood’s artbook series features over 375 brand-new pieces of artwork created specifically for this volume. Bringing together artists from the worlds of comics, fine art, animation and illustration. Over 350 artists from all over the world have contributed art for this comprehensive collection, which includes an all-new introduction by horror director/actor/producer Eli Roth and an afterword by the Master of Horror himself, John Carpenter.