Dead Meat Tackles the Kill Count of the Original Friday the 13th

A new YouTube channel by the name of Dead Meat has sprung up and it’s kicked off its existence by doing a deep dive into the kills of the 1980 iconic slasher Friday the 13th. While I know many of you are reading this and letting out a groan of “Another video listing out the kills of a horror franchise?“, this is different, I promise you! You see, Dead Meat’s James A. Janisse isn’t just listing off the kills in order, he’s going into what makes them special and, in his opinion, which ones stand out as the best and worst of the film!
Janisse is going to be making this a regular weekly thing – the first several episodes are already filmed, he tells us. The plan is to not just have videos for the Friday the 13th franchise but with other horror titles as well, so I recommend going to his channel via the link above, subscribing, and giving him some love!