Pepsi’s Recent Controversial Ad is Far More Insidious Than You Know…

Update: here is the original video source that this GIF was made from.
Pepsi recently went through a big snafu when people from both the left and right political spectrums joined forces in bashing the company’s latest commercial, which showed Kendall Jenner offering a police officer a can of soda so as to bring peace between protestors and armed forces. The impressions ranged from “I don’t care” to “Sweet bastard son of a hundred maniacs! This is the worst!” Personally, I landed on the former but I can see why people felt the latter.
However, new footage of the commercial has revealed that there is something far darker than we could’ve possibly imagined. It turns out that the Pepsi commercial is actually a series of alien images that are meant to lull us humans into a state of capitalistic greed, forcing us to desperately climb atop one another on the ladder of success.
Oh, wait. I’m wrong. It’s just a parody of John Carpenter’s They Live. But it’s still awesome.
Check it out below!