Roger Corman Changes the Name of Piranha JPN

We’ve been posting for a while now about the upcoming film Piranha JPN, which is Japan’s first stab at the Piranha franchise that began back in 1978. While it will be called Summer of the Piranha outside of Japan, the working title for within the country was the aforementioned Piranha JPN, which executive producer Roger Corman wasn’t snappy enough. That’s why he decided to give it a retitle, one that I feel is very fitting to the series.
Corman explains via his Facebook page:
“Last week, I announced a new addition to the PIRANHA franchise, but something still seemed off to me. I called my producing partner and told her I didn’t think the title had enough BITE.
I believe a title should encapsulate an entire film: Humanoids From The Deep, Attack Of The Crab Monsters, The Slumber Party Massacre, Sharktopus. I said we needed a title that immediately captured the horror of our story, and I suggested, PIRANHA JPN: TEETH OF THE PIRANHA. She laughed and said she loved it, so that’s what we’re going to call it.”
If you want to read more about Piranha JPN: Teeth of the Piranha, you can do so through our tag.