Kino Lorber Brings Roland Emmerich’s Making Contact to Blu-ray

Before Stargate, Godzilla, Independence Day, and a slew of disasterporn flicks, Roland Emmerich made smaller, tighter films such as 1985’s Making Contact (aka Joey); and Kino Lorber is ready to remind us of that by releasing the haunting shocker next month!
From the Press Release:
Making Contact (1985) Blu-ray and DVD Street Date: May 9, 2017
Director: Roland Emmerich
Starring: Joshua Morrell, Eva Kryll, Tammy Shields
Following the death of his father, nine-year-old Joey finds himself at the center of a frightening series of phenomena, including telekinesis, phone calls from beyond the grave, and one very sinister ventriloquist dummy with extremely homicidal instincts. But when the authorities arrive to investigate Joey’s gifts, they unknowingly unleash a horrific supernatural force that no scientist can comprehend and only one boy can hope to stop.