New Trailer and L.A. Screening Info – Rat Scratch Fever

Ever since The Foywonder did a story about Jeff Leroy’s Rat Scratch Fever back in March of 2009, we’ve been dying to see it, and you should be too as it looks nothing short of cheesetastic! We’ve got really good news for folks in the Los Angeles area and a new trailer to go along with it!
Rat Scratch Fever will be premiering at 10:30 pm on February 26th at The Cinefamily (click here for tickets) (611 N. Fairfax Avenue) with director Leroy and cast members in attendance for a Q&A afterward! This will be a one-night only event, and tickets are just ten bucks! Cheap!
Dig on the new trailer below, and look for more soon!
“Jeff Leroy’s schlock masterpiece Rat Scratch Fever is one the greatest feats of cinematic ingenuity thus far this century. Made on a budget of cheeseburgers and good intentions, this phantasmagoria of puppets, miniature sets, greenscreens and live Food Of The Gods-style enlarged rodents rat-chets the Dark Star homemade aesthetic to a new glorious extreme, reaching beyond sci-fi and horror conventions to become something truly transcendent, psychedelic and wow-inducing — and that barely rat-scratches the surface of this madcap ride! A veteran in the world of low-budget horror and softcore skin flicks, Leroy throws everything in his resourceful arsenal (and garage) at the screen for this staggering entertaining tale of astronauts that bring back humungoid mutant rats to a Los Angeles just waiting to be demolished by their feverish claws — resulting in a mash-up of alien invasion, animal disaster and mega-action that boggles the mind, hammers the senses and fulfills all expectations. Leroy’s incredible trailer has been circulating geek blogs since 2009 — and we can assure you the final product is every bit as mind-shatteringly inventive and crazed as you want it to be.”
Rat Scratch Fever – New Trailer
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