Sam Raimi Used a Shot From Lucio Fulci’s The Beyond in Spider-Man

There are times when a movie needs additional scenes or footage but there’s just no budget to make that happen. That’s when filmmakers will often resort to trickery and stock footage to get the desired end result. It’s not a big secret and I’m willing to bet that people could find dozens of instances of this happening if they really tried.
One such example that is rather interesting was pointed out by Sam Raimi on the commentary of 2002’s Spider-Man, which he directed. He points out that there was a dream sequence for Peter Parker after he got bit that couldn’t be done due to budgetary constraints. So, editor Bob Murawski created one using pieces of the opening titles, stock footage, and, here’s the good one, even a shot from Lucio Fulci’s 1981 Italian horror masterpiece The Beyond!
Below is a short video that has this commentary excerpt and shows the exact scene that Raimi references.