The WTF Friday Video of the Week: Jackie Chan Whips Ass as Chun Li

In honor of the release of Capcom’s latest fighting gamer Marvel vs. Capcom 3 we have a WTF Friday Video of the Week with some added video game flavor.
Below you’ll find a clip from the Jackie Chan flick City Hunter which features Chan playing a myriad of characters from the popular Street Fighter video game franchise. Mind you this appears to happen for absolutely no rhyme or reason, and the sight of Jackie dressed as Chun Li is likely to haunt us to our very graves, but we just couldn’t resist including it. Especially since it managed to do in five minutes what nearly every video game adaptation can’t … get things right!
An anonymous reader sent this one in, and we say thank you, whoever you are!
Have a suggestion for our WTF Friday Video of the Week? Send us an E-MAIL HERE. If it makes us giggle or just plain confuses us, we’ll include it! What are ya waiting for! Get to it!
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