Birdemic 3 an Eventual Possibility?

Back in 2010, James Nguyen released Birdemic: Shock and Terror, a low-budget horror film that was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Hailed as one of the worst films of all time, it has since developed a cult following large enough that a sequel in 2013 was made. Now, four years later, is it time to see a third D-level horror schlock fest? It seems like the filmmakers are strongly considering it…
Back in late 2016, a failed Indiegogo occurred and a Facebook page was launched. There hasn’t been any real activity on the latter and the former was able to only get 1% of its $500,000 request but it’s clear that Nguyen has an idea in mind and wants to see it come to life. Now all we have to do is see if that’s something he can wrangle together.
What do you say, horror fans? Would your life be a little more complete with another Birdemic? Weigh in with your thoughts in the comments below.