Dread Central to Celebrate Indie Horror Month in March

While we love covering horror movies of all shapes and sizes, the staff at Dread Central has always fostered a deep-rooted appreciation for the independent horror movement that has been alive and kicking for over 90 years now.
In recognition of that desire for making great genre films against the odds, yours truly (Dread Central’s own Heather Wixson, aka “The Horror Chick”) is taking the entire month of March to celebrate the movies that often challenged the system, sometimes broke the rules, and came with great professional risk for everyone involved but persevered and went on to capture our respect and admiration through the ages.
Starting March 1st, check back with DC every day for our extensive coverage of all things related to indie horror, including a look back at the milestones through the ages, interviews with some of independent horror’s veterans as well as some up-and-coming filmmakers, and so much more!
We’ll also be providing extensive and exclusive coverage of several indie projects we’ve been covering around these parts over the last several months, including The Revenant, Midnight Son, Down the Road, and Patrol Men, just to name a few.
To get you ready for this cavalcade of awesomeness that’s coming this March, DC’s Brian Smith put together the following trailer, giving fans a fun look at independent horror throughout the ages.
Enjoy, and we’ll see you for the Indie Horror Month kick-off on Tuesday, March 1st!
Indie Horror Month on Dread Central – Teaser
Uploaded by dreadcentral. – Full seasons and entire episodes online.
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