New TEDx Talk Discusses How Horror Teaches Us About Ourselves and Being Human

A brand new TEDx talk has been uploaded and the video features Harvard Medical School assistant professor Dr. Steven Schlozman discussing the ways in which horror films teach us about ourselves and what it means to be human. What makes the presentation so special is that it’s obvious that Dr. Schlozman is not just a researcher of horror, he’s a lifelong fan. He speaks about various films with such passion and delight that it’s impossible to stop a smile from crossing your face. This is a man who realizes that horror is not the lowbrow entertainment that so many people deem it but, rather, it’s a place where we can learn so much about people and everything they have to offer. It’s a bit of a long video, clocking in at nearly 22 minutes, but it’s worth every second.
Also, Dr. Schlozman wrote the book The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse, which you can pick up via Amazon.
Dr. Steven Schlozman bio:
Dr. Steve Schlozman is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital. He majored in English and biology at Stanford University, and after teaching high school English and science, attended Dartmouth and Brown University Medical Schools. Schlozman has authored more than 40 academic publications. He has helped design video games that teach adolescents about neurobiology and has collaborated at Kings College, London to assess attitudes regarding psychiatry among medical educators and curricula. He teaches the subject at Harvard and is the author of, “The Zombie Autopsies.” Additionally, Schloman blogs for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today, and has written articles for The New York Times Sunday Magazine, Psychology Today, The Southwest Airlines Magazine,,,, Newsweek and The Guardian.