Exclusive First Look: There’s No Such Things as Vampires


Now that that sparking Twilight ship is comfortably in the rear-view mirror, vampires have gotten their bite back, and the upcoming There’s No Such Things as Vampires has our complete attention. Read on for your first look at the film!

From the Press Release:
The motion picture There’s No Such Thing as Vampires has wrapped principal photography. The film’s director, Logan Thomas, has assembled a cast of veterans such as Meg Foster, Raphael Sbarge, Maria Olsen, and Judy Tenuda with new talents Emma Holzer (Spring Breakers, “Boardwalk Empire”), Josh Plasse (“Feud,” “Criminal Minds), and Aric Cushing (“American Horror Story” The Yellow Wallpaper) along with many others.

The creature design and effects were created by Eric Fox at Morb-X studios. Eric is a leading special effects artist, well known for his appearances on the popular show “Face Off.”

From its opening frames the film thunders into a breakneck chase that takes place over the next 36 hours. The film’s heroes, Joshua and Ariel, literally CRASH into each other along a dark road in the dead of night… before finding themselves the target of an unstoppable force of nature.

Drawing from films like 1984’s The Terminator and 1985’s Fright Night, the filmmakers have aimed to whip up a powerful fury of fun, nail-biting storytelling.

Thomas has been widely regarded as a “visualist” director so There’s No Such Thing as Vampires will be a visceral adventure through AND against many of the genre’s tropes. It should be premiering at numerous festivals this winter. 

Theres No Such Things As Vampires

Theres No Such Things As Vampires

Theres No Such Things As Vampires

