Michael Fassbender Sheds a Bit More Light on Ridley Scott’s Prometheus

We admit it. When it comes to Ridley Scott’s is or isn’t it an Alien prequel, Prometheus, we can’t get enough info and teasers. And it seems that Michael Fassbender is our best source at the moment as the actor has spoken once again about the hush-hush project and how his character fits into things.
While chatting with EW, Fassbender said he’s thrilled to have been cast because he considers himself a drooling Alien fan. “Alien and Aliens, both of them,” he says. “And [Scott’s] Blade Runner, which I recently watched again. I’m really looking forward to stepping into a Ridley sci-fi world. And the script is really intelligent and has a nice pace to it. Plus, if I’m honest with you, I sort of approach my work as a fan. I’m a massive movie fan, and I like to go on an adventure ride as much as I like to see something that has a bit of social commentary to it.”
Fassbender, who was mostly tight-lipped, toes the company line that Prometheus is not an Alien prequel. “It’s a different story, but it’s also got the traditional roots. Alien fans will recognize things in it. It’s not ignoring Alien, there’s still a link to that world. But it’s a different story. It’s definitely connected, though.” When asked if he’d be playing an android in the film, Fassbender laughs, “I don’t know what I can say!” But as he says this, he glances down at a damning tape recorder between us and nods affirmatively. “I don’t want to get into trouble…” Fair enough, but listening to him, you can’t help but wonder whether it’s more than a little possible that everyone’s insistence that Prometheus isn’t an Alien prequel is just a classic bit of misdirection.
We’ll find out for sure on June 8th, 2012, when Prometheus, starring Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, and Kate Dickie, hits theatres everywhere.
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