Gears of War Adaptation Moving Forward With a New Writer

For several years, Microsoft Studios have been aiming to make a live-action adaptation of their sci-fi/horror action series Gears of War. Hell, the start of this journey began back in 2007 when New Line Cinemas bought the rights, which led to multiple different directors and writers being attached to the project. And while it seems like the adaptation has been stuck, Universal Pictures, who optioned rights seven months ago, still wants to make it a reality, which is why they brought Avatar sequel scribe Shane Salerno onboard to create a film set on the world of Sera. Whether that story will be an adaptation of the series so far or a brand new story is yet to be seen. Hopefully they go for the latter.
During a livestream reveal of Gears of War 4 back in October, co-creator Rob Ferguson explained, “I think you have to let the movies be the movies. They’re two different mediums, and two different audiences in some cases, and I think some video game movies in the past have failed because they tried to make a movie for gamers. If you have this great IP with a deep backstory and lots of lore that you can make interesting stories out of it’s great, but if you just go after the gaming audience then it isn’t going to be a successful movie.”
Confirmed to act as a producer is Dylan Clark (Planet of the Apes).
For now, let’s just bide our time and hope that the Locust don’t take over before we see a movie!