New Ultra Violent Cut of Albert Pyun’s Cyborg Unearthed!

Though Jean-Claude Van Damme has made some truly classic films over the years, one of our favorites, the much maligned Cyborg, has always stood out from the pack, if only for its badass villain and inherent strangeness.
Now, decades after the film’s release, a new cut has been located, and from what we understand, it is home to a lot of violence that was cut by the MPAA.
Director Albert Pyun wrote in to give us the skinny:
“After 23 years my long-time composer Tony Riparetti has found a VHS telecine of my director’s cut, the only copy in existence I believe,” Pyun tells us. “It has the original Tony Riparetti and Jim Saad music score, which was thrown out when Cannon Films and Jean-Claude took over the editing. The telecine is of the last cut I ever did and from the original 35mm work print, and it has a stereo temp mix with it. It also hasn’t been cut by the MPAA to get an R rating so it has the X-rated violence. It shows clearly my vision for the film which neither Cannon, JCVD or the public accepted back in 1988.”
Even crazier? Anyone interested in acquiring it can send an E-mail here for details.

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