New Details Emerge for Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich Including Puppet Redesigns!

Our very own Justin Dark, aka “Mr. Dark,” is currently at the Texas Frightmare convention in Dallas, where he got the inside scoop on new information for Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich, the upcoming 13th entry in the franchise. According to Justin, the film has wrapped principal photography; and the end goal is to create a film with as much practical FX as possible, utilizing CGI only to remove wires and the like from the puppets.
Justin explains: “They have redesigned all the puppets. Four classic puppets are in the new film: Blade, Tunneller, Torch, and Pinhead. We had one new Puppet revealed, “The Happy Amphibian.” There are other new ones as well [that are] as yet unrevealed.”
He adds the basic plot: “There’s a convention, and these puppets are brought in as WWII memorabilia. They bust loose and start killing people. Thus, the action happens at the con and con hotel. It was shot in Dallas at the historic and very haunted Ambassador Hotel. Shooting wrapped two weeks ago. All FX are practical. CGI [is] only used to remove wires and control rods for the puppets.”
Below are exclusive photos of the updated puppets with creator Charles Band. For more information about The Littlest Reich, check out our post here.