Box Office Report: Beastly Has No Bite

Judging by the box office of the past two weeks, I’m beginning to think that if Nic Cage wants to jumpstart his career, he’s going to have to star in a Twilight wannabe like Beastly. Cage’s quirky mannerisms would be a plus playing some dreamy beasty, although his romancing of a quirky teenage girl would probably be considered a felony in most states.
The Twilight-ized Beauty & the Beast tweener porn Beastly pulled in just a little over $10 million this weekend, according to Box Office Mojo. Though only good for the #3 position (well behind the Johnny Depp animated western Rango and the Matt Damon fedora-thon The Adjustment Bureau), CBS Films was expecting the ticket take to be much lower so 10m is actually considered overperforming. I wouldn’t expect it to take in much more than this initial weekend given the more high-profile Twilight bait Red Riding opens next week.
Meanwhile, Drive Angry 3D drove straight out of the top 10 to 13th place with a paltry haul of not quite $2.2 million. Beastly has already raked in more moolah in its first week than Drive Angry has in two. Feel free to use the comments section to rant and rave about how PG-13 ratings, Twilight, and Twilight-inspired fare are destroying horror as is typically the case here.
Next week brings the previously mentioned Red Riding Hood, starring “my what big eyes you have” Amanda Seyfried and directed by the woman who helmed the first Twilight pic, and the highly anticipated Battle: Los Angeles. Should make for an interesting weekend at the box office.
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