More Prometheus Casting News – Rafe Spall On-Board

A bit more casting news coming in for Ridley Scott’s is or isn’t it an Alien prequel, Prometheus, and it appears that an actor who’s no stranger to having a bit of red on him has joined the intergalactic fold.
According to the UK’s Daily Mail Shaun of the Dead‘s Rafe Spall (pictured right) has landed a big role in Ridley Scott’s much anticipated sci-fi thriller Prometheus. He’ll be joining the previously announced Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Idris Elba, Sean Harris and Kate Dickie.
Okay. The crew seems to be in place. Now how about those damned Xenomorphs? We’ll find out for sure just what the deal is on June 8th, 2012, when Prometheus hits theatres everywhere.
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