Here Are 24 Reasons Why Aliens and Resident Evil Are Incredibly Similar Films

We can all agree that there are certain universal themes that run true through many films. The search for power, the quest for knowledge, the hope for something better, the will to survive… These are all fundamental pillars upon which a story can be written as they are applicable to nearly everyone on the planet.
But then there are times when story elements begin to seem a bit too familiar, a bit too coincidental, to ignore. That’s where YouTuber Couch Tomato comes in with his, in my opinion, funny and witty videos that compare two seemingly unrelated films and show just how many similar aspects there actually are between them.
In his latest video, Couch Tomato analyzes James Cameron’s 1986 masterpiece Aliens with the 2002 sci-fi horror video game adaptation Resident Evil. Finding 24 things that are similar between these two films may seem like a stretch, but Couch Tomato manages to pull it off with great ease!
If nothing else, this video is worth it just for a laugh!