Terminator 2: Judgment Day Has Been Recreated in Grand Theft Auto V

Perhaps one of the greatest action films of all time and certainly one of the best sequels ever is James Cameron’s 1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day. It took the story of the 1984 original and added so much more in terms of excitement, thrills, visual spectacles, and awe-inspiring action pieces. It’s the kind of film that simply doesn’t age and retains its position throughout the years.
Being that it’s such an important and fantastic film, it’s no surprise that people are still inspired by it to this day. In fact, YouTuber Kramer’s Media is so taken with the film that they decided to recreate the vast majority of the film in Grand Theft Auto V. And when I say a vast majority, I mean that this video is over an hour long and features recreations of some of the most exciting parts of the film. A lot of the story has been cut out but anyone who’s seen it knows what’s happening.
Oh, and a quick head’s up: the original audio is still there BUT it’s also been dubbed over in Russian. So you’re going to have to hear two different languages overlapping throughout. That being said, it’s well worth skipping around to see the enormous amount of work that went into the project.