Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 115 We Are The Flesh
Guys, I’m kind of worried that we may be…maturing. For the last four weeks we’ve had very serious conversations about very serious movies, and this week the movie is in Spanish. What the actual fuck?
In a last minute decision, (maybe we’re not maturing after all) we chose to do the 2016, Shudder exclusive We Are The Flesh. Without giving too much away, we had no idea that we were in for an unnerving, hyper sexual, mind fuck of a journey.
In addition to, whatever this film was, we talk about bloodshed at the ballpark, nightmares of the minuscule variety, penises, vaginas, and all that kinda thing.
I can’t come. I can’t come! You’re interrupting my concentration! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 115!
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