Important News for Purchasers of Arrow’s The Beyond UK Blu-ray

If you just happen to be one of the (we’re sure) many Fulci lovers waiting to get your grubby mitts on Arrow Video’s stupendous new Blu-ray/DVD release of The Beyond, we have an important piece of information for you, as a potential issue has been discovered with some copies that Arrow wish to put right. Read on!
Early review copies of the disc were found to have a transfer defect, mainly noticeable through the opening scene being presented in monochrome (black and white) rather than the intended sepia tone. This was to be rectified before retail pressings were released; however, some appear to have slipped through. Of course, this isn’t in keeping with the film’s intended presentation so if you happen to pop your copy into your player and it begins sans sepia, Arrow have this information for you:
Okay folks, when your copy of The Beyond (Blu-ray or DVD) arrives, check it to see if it has the monochrome opening. If it does and you want a replacement, all you need to do is drop us an e-mail here, but go through the checklist below to make sure you send the right information:
1. Attach a scan or a good quality photo of your shipping slip or store receipt. If your e-tailer doesn’t send paper-based shipping slips, please forward the shipping e-mail you receive (please note this is only for e-tailers that don’t issue paper slips).
2. Include in the e-mail your full title, name and postal address with post/zip code.
3. Please also confirm in your e-mail the retailer name where the disc was purchased from.
4. Send e-mail here.
5. Please allow up to 21 days for processing – where possible Arrow will ship as soon as they can.
Once that is done, please be patient whilst Arrow process and arrange a replacement disc. Please use the checklist before you e-mail Arrow Video to make sure you have provided all the necessary information so that your replacement disc order can be speedily expedited.
This is the same policy for DVDs and Blu-ray Discs and for Arrow Video costumers from all around the world, not just in the UK.
Arrow Video would like to thank customers for their patience and hope that the final discs will bring The Beyond to life like never before.
Many, many kudos to Arrow for their outstanding level of customer service and devotion to the fans. For more information and assistance if necessary, sign up at their official forums..

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