Exclusive: This Patchwork Poster Is a Real Pain in the Back

Coming to VOD on June 6th is the body horror film Patchwork, which sees three people stitched together into one body, sending them on a mission to find out just what in the Sam hell happened! To give you a taste of the gruesome nature of the film, we got our hands on the exclusive premiere of the film’s poster, which will probably send some of you in search of someone to scratch your back. Check it out below!
Directed by Tyler MacIntyre, Patchwork stars Tory Stolper, Tracey Fairaway, Maria Blasucci, and James Phelps.
After a night on the town, Jennifer, Ellie, and Madeleine awake to find themselves stitched together into the same body. Determined to find out what happened to them and who is responsible, they set out on a madcap quest for revenge.