Exclusive Stills, Casting Round-Up, and More from the Set of Wrong Turn 4

This past Monday, March 7, 2011, Dread hit the set of Fox’s then-shooting Wrong Turn 4 in the below zero clime of wintry Brandon, Canada. Interviews with director Declan O’Brien, special fx artist Doug Morrow, and actors Sean Skene, Daniel Skene and Scotty Johnson are imminent, but for now here’s an exclusive gallery of stills from the set as well as a first look at the film’s antagonists.
Wrong Turn 4 serves as a bit of a prequel to the 2003 Rob Schmidt-directed killer hillbilly flick which launched the franchise, and as written and directed by O’Brien (who returns to the franchise following his helming of Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead after directing Sharktopus in the interim), the fourth in the series not only serves to document the horrific events that created the franchise’s rural cannibals but also presents the modern story of a group of wayward skiers who find themselves seeking refuge in an abandoned insane asylum during a blizzard. Unsurprisingly, exceedingly gory hijinks ensue (director O’Brien’s emoting of “Blood! More Blood! Blood! Blood!” was a consistent on-set occurrence).
Sean Skene, Daniel Skene and Scott Johnson play Three Finger, One Eye and Sawtooth, respectively. Actors Jennifer Pudavick, Tenika Davis, Kaitlyn Wong, Terra Vnesa, Victor Zinck, Jr., Dean Armstrong, Ali Tataryn, Arne MacPherson and Samantha Kendrick round out the body count with Blane Cypurda, Tristan Carlucci and Bryan Verot portraying the disfigured brothers at the heart of the series during their formative years.
Wrong Turn 4 is slated for a home video release this coming October. Stay tuned to Dread for more soon from the snowy production, which at the time was shooting in the abandoned and imposing Brandon Mental Health Centre in Manitoba.
Click any of the below images to visit our Wrong Turn 4 set visit photo gallery in its entirety.
Our thanks to Fox unit publicist Lesley Chen for her assistance.

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