New Super One-Sheet Asks Questions

Having finally seen James Gunn’s latest film Super (review here) over the weekend, we can totally confirm that it deserves the coverage we’ve been giving it. Though not straight horror by any stretch of the imagination, this violent tale of a psycho who thinks he’s a superhero and his trusty wrench builds quite the body count.
Every good hero (or in this case maniac) needs a sidekick, and that’s exactly what the latest Super one-sheet delivers! Dig on it below.
IFC Films is releasing James Gunn’s Super, starring Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler and Kevin Bacon, April 1st in New York and Los Angeles and will expand from there to top markets nationwide. For more check out James Gunn’s official website.
When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson) sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler) willingly snatched by a seductive drug dealer (Kevin Bacon), he finds himself bereft and wholly unable to cope. But soon he decides to fight back under the guise of a DIY superhero called Crimson Bolt. With a hand-made suit, a wrench, and a crazed sidekick named Boltie (Ellen Page), the Crimson Bolt beats his way through the mean streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife. The rules were written a long time ago: You are not supposed to molest children, cut lines or key cars; if you do, prepare to face the wrath of the Crimson Bolt!

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