Found Footage Takes on Vampires in Living Among Us

The found footage genre is feeling pretty stagnant these days, I won’t life. While it started off very strong and there are undoubtedly great examples that pop up here and there, the majority feel like they’re rehashes of the same simple story.
While many horror films are flocking to werewolves to buck the current zombie craze, Living Among Us hopes to buck that trend by offering something new to the subgenre in the form of vampires. To give you a taste of that story, the first trailer for the film has been released, which you can see below.
Written and directed by Brian A. Metcalf, Living Among Us stars Esmé Bianco, Andrew Keegan, Thomas Ian Nicholas, and William Sadler.
Vampires have just made themselves public! Now a group of documentarians have been granted access to spend some time with them and learn how they live and coexist with humans. But as reality sets in, the crew realize they are in for far more than they bargained for.