The Demon Inside Bursts Out at Home

On tap right now we have your first look at Joey Moran’s flick The Demon Inside, which is currently available on all VOD platforms and digital outlets. Dig on a few stills and some truly WTF artwork.
Joseph Rene, Timothy Talbott, and Madeline Thelton star.
Ex-convict Sam Parsons is trying to rebuild his life with his wife, Courtney, and their six-year-old daughter, Harper. When supernatural occurrences start to happen in their quiet suburban home, Sam hires Corbin Carlyle and his reality TV show ghost hunting team, The Ghost Killers, to help battle the dark entity. Focused on fame and ratings, Corbin and his team fail to tackle the problem, and things escalate. To save himself and his family from the blood-hungry underworld creature, Sam must call upon his own inner demons from his violent past.