Drop EVERYTHING! Mixtape Massacre is Back in Stock!

Quite possibly the greatest horror board game ever created Mixtape Massacre is currently back in stock. Drop whatever it is you’re doing and go snag a copy like yesterday!
From the Press Release:
They’re Baaaaaack! Mixtape Massacre, the ultimate horror board game, is back in stock.
Mixtape Massacre is a horror board game, where up to 6 players compete as horror film archetypes in a fictional 1986 killing spree. Players battle it out in the small town of Tall Oaks trying to stack up the biggest body count, or be the last slasher left alive. Besides being jam packed with nods to all of your favorite classic horror films and tropes, the game also contains tons of 1980’s and early 90’s music and movie pop-culture references to keep you laughing while your slashing.
Mixtape Massacre was initially funded via Kickstarter and sold out shortly after its release. Now restocked, the second run is available online at a new lower price of $49.99 plus shipping.
Visit mixtapemassacre.com to get your hands on a copy!
What’s in the box?
- 1 Game Board
- 40 “Killer Scenes, Dude” Cards
- 30 “Bonus Tracks” Cards
- 60 Tokens: Scene Markers / Souvenirs
- 4 Dice (1 Regular + 3 Action Dice)
- 10 Killer Profile Boards
- 10 Figures with Stands
- 6 Knife Player Stations
- 36 Life Pegs (Health)
- 10 Special Ability Tokens
But that’s not all. Players also have June 21, 2017 to look forward to when Bright Light launches their next Kickstarter, Mixtape Massacre: Black Masque Expansion. This new expansion adds more cards, dice, gameplay and more, growing your game and stacking the bodies higher.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News