Indie Horror Month: Ron Purtee’s Top Five Independent Horror Films

In a very short time, filmmaker Ron Purtee is becoming quite the expert on creating no-budget shorts. His first effort, Becoming Undead, garnered a lot of attention from Internet audiences and led to Purtee’s next project – The Social Media Massacre, which the filmmaker hopes will some day become a trilogy of films.
Dread Central recently caught up with Purtee to find out what some of his favorite independent genre flicks are.

1. RAYMOND DID IT (Written/Directed by Travis Legge)
I had the pleasure of seeing this on the big screen, and it did not disappoint. It’s a huge throwback to films like Prom Night and Halloween. And the kills? Well, the kills are some of the most inventive things I’ve ever seen. Made me not want to do my laundry for a week. My family was less than happy.
2. FROZEN (Written/Directed by Adam Green)
What can I say about this film that hasn’t already been said? It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I watched it, and ranks in my top 10 films of ALL time. Plus, the behind-the-scenes by Adam Barnick are just amazing!
3. FEEDING FRENZY (Written/Directed by Mike Stoklasa and Jay Bauman)
I laughed my ass off watching this film. It reminded of me of watching Gremlins, Ghoulies, Critters and all the other rubber monster movies of the 80s. It was VERY well done, showing that yes, the Midwest has some talented folks!
4. THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (Written/Directed by Patrick Prejusa)
The Midnight Special is a journey into the world of Monster Cops. Think Ghostbusters meets “The Office.” Really well written, and the acting is phenomenal.
5. HATCHET AND HATCHET 2 (Written/Directed by Adam Green)
The man took giant leaps and bounds with both of these films, and it shows on screen. Amazing writing, acting, camera work … it’s really the whole package, and it makes you enjoy your movie-going experience like you used to back in the days before you had to drop 35 bucks on a movie!

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