Indie Horror Month: Dave Reda’s Top Five Independent Horror Films

Writer/director/actor Dave Reda has made a name for himself over the last few years with his indie genre projects including Bit Parts and his most recent effort, Horror of Our Love (which screened recently as part of the Los Angeles Comedy Festival).
We recently caught up with Reda (of Elfwtin Fillms) to find out what his top five indie genre projects are. Check them out below!

1. HATE* (*A COMEDY) (Drew Daywalt and David Schneider)
This is one of my most favorite short films… A deadly vengeful speaking chicken and poison chimichangas?? This one is so well made and a total blast. Drew also is the director of the insane short film Polydeus, which is a crazy film centered around an 80’s video game. The make-up on the creature is fantastic, too.
2. DEATH IN CHARGE (Devi Snively)
This is such a cool short film, very well made, and an unusual Grim Reaper. Devi is really cool and an excellent filmmaker, one to watch for sure.
3. GET OFF MY PORCH (Patrick Rea)
This film teaches you to watch out for those sweet Girl Scouts… Beautifully shot with a great twist at the end. Patrick is rocking it here as the director, too.
Strong idea in this one, and the last shot is stunning. It’s definitely a film worth checking out if you’re a genre fan.
5. THE COMMUNE (Elisabeth Fies)
Elisabeth Fies did a great job keeping this film creepy and cool. It is definitely one to check out, and with Elisabeth doing some really cool things for the horror community, she’s very much a filmmaker to watch.
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