Snake Outta Compton – Cannes Sales Art

We told you during AFM that Snake Outta Compton is an actual film. To further prove this fact, we even have some new poster art for you straight out of the Cannes market.
Automatic Entertainment is the production company behind this actual movie that is actually getting made. James and Jon Kondelik, the directing duo responsible for The Asylum’s loopy Airplane vs. Volcano and Syfy’s Dam Sharks, are billed as the filmmakers at the helm of this madness.
According to the listing, Snake Outta Compton is still “in production.”
There’s a giant motherfuckin’ snake loose on the streets of Compton! The world’s most dangerous city, with the most dangerous rap group, harassed by the most dangerous police force, will now battle with the world’s most dangerous big-ass snake! Beware of terrible rhymes, unfriendly fire, and monstrous fangs in this unpredictable and outrageous satire of creature features, urban gangster films, and hip-hop culture.