Grindhouse Releasing Live

We just received a heads up from Shawn over at Rotten Cotton (who have 15 brand-new shirt designs on the way; see the first three on their MySpace page) that the official site for Grindhouse Releasing is alive!
Grindhouse Releasing kicked the door in with their recent must-have DVD release of Ruggero Deodato’s Cannibal Holocaust (read my review of it here) and have big plans for Cannibal Ferox, Cat in the Brain (pictured), The Beyond, Pieces and a lot more in the coming months. Now you know where to go for all the info on the discs: the official Grindhouse Releasing site! Duh.
Be sure to keep an eye on the site and the pages of Dread Central for info on all the upcoming DVDs they have on the way. If even half of them are as good as Holocaust, fans of true grindhouse movies are going to be in heaven.
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