Frankenstein’s Monster Busts Used to Recreate Judge Dredd, Iron Maiden’s Eddie, and More

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a very important charity, at least in my eyes. Without going into too much detail, my family was the recipient of a Make-A-Wish and it was a wonderful experience. That’s why I feel like I need to write this story, as a way to help them out. Also because the full story is simply badass and I love what’s going on here.
Allow me to introduce you to Monster Charity Project, which is based in the UK. Here’s what they’ve done: they took 25 of the top sculptors and SFX artists in the United Kingdom and have given each a Frankenstein’s Monster-inspired bust, which itself was created by the University of Bolton Special & Visual Effects team [Source]. These artists were then given one instruction: turn it into whatever you want. Go nuts. Go crazy. Be as imaginative or as subtle as you like. Just have fun and make something special.
Once the artists are done with their artistic escapade, the busts are then returned to the Monster Charity Project, who will later this year auction them off online with 100% of the proceeds going to the UK Make-A-Wish Foundation. That’s right, all of the work that goes into making these busts, from the team that cast them to the artists that transform them, is donated freely of their will.
The busts will go on tour throughout the summer at various conventions, giving people the chance to see them and, hopefully, pick on one (or more) to bid for. Then, on October 31st, the online auction begins and runs until November 5th. Below are samples of the various busts that have been created!
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