Florida Readers! Check Out the First Annual MegaCon Orlando Saints & Sinners Film Festival

If you’re in the Florida area and you’re in the mood to go to a great convention this weekend, make sure to check out Orlando’s MegaCon, which has announced that it will be hosting its first ever Saints & Sinners Film Festival! This event will showcase, “…the very best domestic and international horror, science-fiction, and fantasy short films and features of the year!”
From the official press release:
As a centerpiece of Saints & Sinners, the made-in-Florida cult classic Mako: Jaws of Death screens at 1pm on Saturday, May 27th in Room N319 at the Orlando Convention Center. Director, cult movie legend and Florida filmmaker William Grefé will be the special Guest of Honor and appear live in person! Enjoy a lively, informative Q&A session + meet-and-greet with Grefé post-screening as he reminisces about the Mako production and Florida locales. William Grefé will also be receiving the FIRST EVER MegaCon LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD in a special ceremony following the screening/Q&A!
Released in 1976, Mako: Jaws of Death reexamines the classic Grefé cinematic themes of ecology, horror, and twisted human nature. Richard Jaekel portrays “Sonny Stein”, a Vietnam veteran with an uncanny ESP connection to Mako sharks, originating from an eerie combat incident when he was saved by one. Empowered by an occult medallion granted to him by a Filipino shaman, he uses his weird mental abilities to exact revenge on unscrupulous rascals who dare harm his beloved shark friends: a strip-club owner and quack scientist. Like his 1972 rattlesnake hit Stanley, Mako spins the strange tale of a loner befriended by deadly creatures who only wish to be left alone. Also stars Harold “Odd Job” Sakata, Jennifer Bishop (Impulse), and Luke Halpin (Flipper).
Plus: the Cast and Crew of the upcoming Action/Horror Web Series Dawn and the Dead will be at the Saints & Sinners dealer’s booth (#3164) on Friday for pictures and autographing Exclusive promotional posters for the series. And to all Zombie Cosplayers: Dawn and the Dead will be filming a special zombie horde scene at 10am on Saturday, May 27th – and anyone in Zombie make-up/costume may be part of the filming!