Spend Christmas with the Dead and a Different Director

While we’re all very excited for a big screen adaptation of Joe R. Lansdale’s Christmas with the Dead, it looks like it will be shambling forth with a new director steering the joyously rotting ship.
Terrill Lee Lankford will be replacing Brian James Fitzpatrick at the helm as director. “We’re sorry it didn’t work out with Brian, as no one respects his talents and skills more than I do, but we’re happy to have Lee on board,” said executive producer Joe R. Lansdale.
Said Lankford, “We’ve got a fresh, talented cast; an enthusiastic young crew; and 110-degree weather conditions to challenge the zombies and the make-up artists. (I’ll be directing in a loin cloth – please, no flash photographs!) Keith Lansdale’s screenplay was a revelation to me. I know he comes from good writing stock, but I did not expect the level of artistry he brought to the script. I think this will be a really fun project, and I hope I can do the material and the cast and crew justice.”
For more check out the official Christmas with the Dead website.

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