Provenance Trailer Teases a Looming Doomsday

It should come as no surprise that independent filmmaking is become more and more common. As consumer electronics have improved in quality, the ability to produce a professional looking feature on a small budget has opened up our genre to many new creative minds. One of those minds is that of filmmaker Rob Coggin.
Earlier this month the trailer for a feature called Provenance dropped. Filmed on a modest budget of $10,000, this project is written, produced and shot by Coggin with Lexi Balestrieri (Die Die Delta Pi) servicing as the director. The film itself is shot in and around the Tampa Bay area and familiar face to Dread Central readers, Lisa Marie Kart. Check out the trailer below and an introduction to the Provenance crew.
A mysterious chain of world events, cube-shaped objects and a group of silent wanderers begin to converge with devastating consequences that impact humanity on a global scale. These mysteries have roots in ancient history and may have influenced certain key events over the last several hundred years. As humankind speeds towards the inevitable, it is up to one person, a physics professor, to decipher and decode the true meaning of what is beginning to take place and save those he loves before it is too late.